Bertrand LAURES Associate lawyer QUALIFICATIONS : Master 2 European Union Business Law – EUCOR Course (University of Strasbourg, 2013)LLM European Union Law (University of Freiburg, Germany, 2013)Doctorate in Law (University of Paris X, 2018), thesis topic: “Damages actions for breaches of competition law”.Certificat d’aptitude à la profession d’avocat (HEDAC, Versailles, 2020) PROFESSIONAL CAREER : 2 years’ experience in law firms specialising in competition law, commercial litigation, distribution law and contract law.A year’s internship in competition law at EDF and the Court of Justice of the European Union. AREAS OF INTERVENTION AT LEX-PORT SINCE 2023: Competition lawEuropean Union lawCommercial litigationContract law, advice and litigation WORKING LANGUAGES : French German English MAKE AN APPOINTMENT CONTACT